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However, easier identification cases using fewer steps would take 2 or 3 days. The complete system, using all eight workflows, would take up to a month, as it includes multi-dimensional NMR experiments that require prolonged experiment times. It also uses two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic analysis, separation and pre-concentration techniques, multiple hyphenated analytical platforms and data extraction from existing databases. This multi-platform system involves the use of statistical spectroscopic tools such as Statistical Total Correlation Spectroscopy (STOCSY), Subset Optimization by Reference Matching (STORM) and Resolution-Enhanced (RED)-STORM to identify other signals in the NMR spectra relating to the same molecule.

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We provide eight different modular workflows to be followed in a recommended sequential order according to their level of difficulty. Here we describe a system for identifying molecular species derived from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy-based metabolic phenotyping studies, with detailed information on sample preparation, data acquisition and data modeling. Metabolic profiling of biological samples provides important insights into multiple physiological and pathological processes but is hindered by a lack of automated annotation and standardized methods for structure elucidation of candidate disease biomarkers.

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